Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Caffe Vivaldi Show Saturday 10/10 and LOR NEWS

if your itching to know when we’ve got our next show
Its at Caffe Vivaldi and we hope you can go..
Left on Red’s gonna play at 7:30 PM
there’s no cover to come so its cheap to bring friends
when the economies tight and times seem so tough
of friendship and music there is always enough.

Saturday October 10th, 7:30 - 8:30 - No Cover
32 Jones Street (Off Bleecker near 7th Ave) NYC 10014

Get there easy:
A, C, E, F trains:
Get Off on West 4 St. and take the West 3 Street exit. You will now be on Avenues of the Americas (6th Ave.) Walk to West 4 St. West 4 St. is one way. Walk against the traffic on West 4 St. Make a left on Jones St. We are on 32 Jones St.

What we are up to:

We have been home for almost two weeks now from a fantastic trip in Europe. It was a great experience to see Paris and Spain, to meet new friends and share in their cultures . We played and wrote a lot of music along the way..the most unlikely place being on the airplane while people were boarding.

Now back in NYC, we have hit the ground running. We are getting ready to leave for Nashville soon and then pretty soon we will start The Green Tour across America. But first:

- National Radio Campaign:
3 weeks ago we launched a national college/indy radio campaign with Tinderbox Music. If you have a favorite station please let us know and we will send them our album. We will be posting the radio station adds on our website as the campaign reports come it.

- The Search for Green Wheels: Part of preparing for our upcoming Green Tour is finding the right vehicle. We are looking for a conversion van that can be easily converted to bio-diesel. Left on Red will be touring across the country and living in it for the next year or so it has to be cute.

- New Videos up on YouTube: We just posted a live video of “The Extra Mile” from our last show at Webster Hall Studio. Special thanks to Eric Halloran who did wonders with our dinky-non zoom camera! Also up are some clips from Paris. If you like the videos, please RATE THEM as doing that really helps Left on Red be seen be more people across the world.

- Must see: “Michael Moore’s new film “Capitalism, A love story”. It affirmed more that only we can change the future of this country and this world, together. Power to the people!

for reading and THANK YOU for being our friend.
Your support encourages us to continue to make music and share it with the world..

Shine on, Liah and Kelly

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