Thursday, June 25, 2009

Generation Sustain

Shout out to Generation Sustain.

On our trip to my hometown Shelburne Falls, MA last weekend we had the opportunity to check out "Generation Sustain" at it's headquarters. GS is a group of innovative, young entrepreneurs in the area who've taken a huge, beautiful space and turned it into offices for themselves and other businesses. Although most of the businesses currently using the space differ in their field, (from computer repair to creative marketing to the New England Farmer's Union) they have something way cool in common - they operate using sustainable and environmentally sound methods.

GS is making a statement that businesses can operate sucessfully without causing massive harm to the environment. I am excited to learn more about the techniques each company uses and how they progress. It is also my hope that our generation and generations to come will inherit this sustainable model with compassion for the planet and our future as a species.

Love and sustainability to all businesses and persons,

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