Yeaaahh we like Cliff bars, Luna bars, "GREENS+" bars etc...BUT our absolute favorite type of energy bar, winning by a HUGE lead is...CHUNKS OF ENERGY!
These little chunks of heavenly hippy-chicky/chico goodness can be found in health food stores ALL accross the United States (usually found in the bulk foods section). They have been a "dedicated Green, Family Managed Business serving and supporting organic and healthy food stores since 1991!" - AND might I add have hardly upped their prices during those years of service.

So thank you, Chunks of Energy, for being so yummy, healthy, environmental, and AFFORDABLE! My personal favorite flavor is the "Chocolate Almoond Chip" (with "High Country Gorp" at a close second) and Liah's is the "Carob Spirulina" (the original flavor which started the business off!).
Using Chunks of Energy as a lifesaver energy source on tours, trips, busy days, and as an easy, healthy snack in between meals, has helped us stay healthy and energized and we hope it does the same for you!
Kelly and Liah