Sunday, January 4, 2009

Left on Red Album Gets the Green Light!!!

-entry by Liah

It's amazing to think that not even one year ago, Kelly and I were just two girls playing and writing songs in the Subway. We created Left on Red in March because we wanted to spread love through music and write songs that were fun and relevant. In 9 months we have had the pleasure of traveling across the US playing shows, making friends and working with awesome people who have inspired us and helped us to realize our dream...Left on Red's First EP is finally Mastered and will be ready to roll out at the end of January 09!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Liah--->Nashville (a photo journal by kelly halloran)

I thought it might be fun to post a visual synopsis of Liah traveling to Nashville last year to record the album (photography: me). Special shout outs to Liah, Nashville, American Airlines, Scotty D, Andy D, Taxi driver, Toll booth operator, Tourist 1, Policeman 1, Policeman 2, Stewardess, Gerald, The millionare and his wife, and Extras.

Hailing a taxi downtown on a saturday morning: rough

Taxi Cab to the Airport: 50 bucks

Plane Tickets: $217 each

Cowgirl Hat: $20

Recording your first EP: Priceless